06-41230172, marnix@protfolioprins.nl


Remaining means more than what actually doesn't fit in anywhere, but what I have made and want to show is actually a synonym for other. Expect anything and everything in this category such as art objects, logos and etc.

Twister meets trash

Finding a solution to the litter problem based on a major existing problem that could be heard from the neighborhood. From concept to a project that can be realized, which can be traced from an intervention with a final impression as a thread.

There were many seagulls at the location that collected waste from the waste bins and that fell straight onto the street together with the waste already lying around, this was really a problem that had to be tackled. I wanted to design trash cans that are closed so that the seagulls can't get anything out of them. There are 5 different waste bins that separate waste and are maintained by the neighborhood, which can use it for, for example, a nearby school to provide educational lessons on the aspect of reuse.

I want to make an interactive Twister field from aval collected from the neighborhood, which I then put in the ground and seal with natural epoxy. This concept stems from my interest in collecting waste and reusing materials to give those materials a new purpose.

Researching which plants should be placed there and how do I direct people to create a meeting place and interaction must be stimulated by the design. Maybe there should be something that compels people to do a game or activity together. To what extent are there levels between meeting each other? It may be interesting that there is a difference here. Creating interaction between people through activities. Creating layers of connection between people and/or animals. Destination of the concept is leading for the creation of different interactions and/or tranquility. How can I get inspiration from existing projects and to what extent do I want to apply this?

Spill the tea

A board game created to get to know each other from a different perspective based on the past, present and future.

The player whose turn it is answers the question for himself on his chalkboard. The other players try to guess what the player whose turn it is would answer and write it on their chalkboard. Be careful that your fellow players cannot see your answer! Each player who has received points takes a number of steps on the board equal to the number of points they have just received. Now it is the next player's turn. The turns go clockwise. The player who reaches 10 points first and is on the end square wins!


Unfold the game board and place it on the table. Place the purple 'past' cards on the purple box, the yellow 'present' cards on the yellow box and the green 'future' cards on the green box. Place the dice on the table and give each player a chalkboard and piece of chalk. Each player chooses a pawn and places it on the starting space.


The player who has had the most pets starts by rolling the die and taking a card that matches the color on the die. The player reads the question on the card so that all players can hear it clearly.


1 point if the guessed answer is recognizable or is an answer you could have given, but does not match what you wrote on your chalkboard. 2 points if the guessed answer matches the answer on your chalkboard, but is not exactly the same. 3 points if the guessed answer is exactly the same as the answer on your chalkboard. When all players have written down an answer, the player to the left of the player whose turn it is shows his answer, then the other players follow in clockwise order. Finally, the player whose turn it is shows his answer and awards the points.

Memory Lane

A VR experience with a well-founded story. To play the game you have to go through all 7 memories of either the girl or the boy and at the end the question arises: if you get it right, you can go to good and if you get it wrong, you have to go to the bad. Video 1 is of 2 people playing it and the 2nd video is the music that you can play with it.

Welcome, Everything will be alright. You will follow Memory Lane to find what you seek. If you wish to leave a memory, step on the cross on the floor and close your eyes, and you will find yourself in a new memory. Follow your heart…

Reshaped Store Shelf

An autonomous image of a supermarket shelf translated from the concept of positive and negative shapes. By also placing a scattering over it, it gives a knocked-out-of-shape feeling.

Balance where it seems like your head is controlling it with telekinesis. And it looks like body parts. Wrong parts where it gives you guidance, it is abrupt, it resembles traffic signs that determine your direction. The lines could be a road and the wooden ones represent the things you encounter in life. A kind of goals, for example, that you would like to achieve or the things you have to do to ultimately reach your end point. Tight but fragile. The color gives the corpse a dying feeling at the end of its life. They are all 2D surfaces that form a completely 3D form.

Fire % Metal

Is it fire or is it metal, is it against each other or is it with each other. These are questions that this art object should raise. Both materials have their own properties and this can be in both a negative and positive sense.

In traditional Chinese philosophy, five elements are distinguished. The Chinese use this as a classification for all natural phenomena. The five elements are applied in Feng shui, astrology, traditional Chinese medicine, music, martial arts and military decisions. The elements are also associated with emotions, tastes, colors, organs and cardinal directions. Each season is influenced by an element, with the Chinese considering late summer as the fifth (Earth) season. In Japanese philosophy, Earth, Water, Fire, Wind and Void are considered the five elements.

The difference between fire and metal is that metal is materialistic and tangible, while fire is not touchable. Metal is also not mobile, while if you heat metal with fire it becomes liquid, making it mobile. But if you make it in a special form you can get it moving, think of gears for example, that's why I designed a coastal object that seems to move because it looks like a flame and when you think about fire it only moves when you think about gears that moves too.

The Fire Animals are: Snake, Horse and Goat


The element Fire (red) represents summer. Fire is extrovert and likes to take charge, is ambitious and wants to make a change. Fire seeks power and takes many risks. Fire can make others enthusiastic about something, but it withdraws in the face of setbacks and then becomes disappointed. Fire is related to the planet Mars.

Positive aspects: passion, joy, passionate, dynamic, vital, enthusiastic, radiant, goal-oriented, decisive

Negative sides: blinding, volatile, tendency to arrogance, aggressive, selfishness, self-centered

The Metal Animals are: Monkey, Rooster and Dog


The element Metal (white) represents autumn. Metal can concentrate well and sink into something. That gives Metaal an unyielding and resolute character. A Metal type wants the best and often stands up for people who are less fortunate or less fortunate. The goal of Metaal is to bring order to the world. Metal is independence and has its own opinion and point of view, which can lead to black and white thoughts. Metal is related to the planet Venus.

Positive aspects: perseverance, sense of duty, sense of responsibility, willingness to take risks, logical thinking, wisdom, striving for the best, communicative, social

Negative sides: tendency to hardness, sadness, melancholic, nostalgic

Statue of Liberty

Statue of liberty of a man with wings on his head, these wings are white doves of peace, this is an international symbol and the personification of peace and freedom. This man holds them above his head as a kind of prize because freedom is priceless and important in this society.

This image is about freedom of expression, which means that every citizen can express his opinion in public on any subject. However, this does have limits: you are of course not allowed to call for hatred or offend people unnecessarily.

I think it is important that freedom is highlighted and I think it is important that art is made of this. In general, birds are a symbol of the barely accessible and of the freedom that the soul strives for. Freedom remains important in our world because there are always groups that do not feel free.


I designed a stand for VT-Wonen where there is room to have a drink and admire their new collection of furniture. The corporate identity of VT-Wonen had to be taken into account.

Also read the book via the indesign website. Click on the logo to go to the website.


I designed a stand for Pepsi, where there is room to have a drink and test the new flavors. I also made a new design for it

Pepsi logo and applied it to the counter that I also designed myself. I put this in a one-way position so that people go past the counter and enter the

see a new Pepsi flavor and want to buy it to try it out.

Pepsi's target group is mainly young people and students, but also adults. These people must be attracted to this position. And because they have to walk through it and a lot of it

The use of color attracts their attention so that they will buy something.

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