06-41230172, marnix@protfolioprins.nl

Architecture has appealed to me from an early age.

Welcome to Portfolio Prins

Hello, my name is Marnix and I am a student at the Utrecht School of the Arts and I am in my 2nd year and am doing the Spatial Design course. I can work with SketchUp and Adobe programs such as Photoshop, Illustrator and Animate. I contribute creative ideas to society. I would like to develop further in SketchUp and all Adobe programs so that I can develop well in both 2D and 3D work. My ultimate goal is to later start my own architectural firm, but I am also still working on 2D work such as logos, illustrations and web design.


My philosophy

My work is aimed at connecting people and nature, with a focus on sustainability and self-sufficiency. My curiosity lies in investigating the unknown. I am constantly looking for new challenges and opportunities to learn from, so that I broaden my own knowledge for future projects that are broader than architecture.



I contribute creative ideas to society. This is both my end goal and my vision.



My design process consists of several phases, from the first sketch to 2D and 3D models.



With my perfectionism I always take a second look at everything I do so I ensure that everything I do is always carried out with good care. I take accuracy very seriously.


I always find it quite important that the assignments I do for people leave a smile. This of course fully applies to the first to the last line drawn.

Work in progress

14 Mar, 2024
Deze referenties beschrijven de verschillende elementen die een plek fijn maken, zoals de mate van menselijke interactie, toegankelijkheid, diversiteit en inclusiviteit, groene ruimtes en stedelijke ontwerp. Door deze aspecten in overweging te nemen bij het creëren van een plek, kan men bijdragen aan het creëren van een plek die mensen graag willen gebruiken en waar ze zich thuis voelen.
by Marnix Prins 14 Mar, 2024
Verbintenis creëren tussen dieren en mensen door middel van een buiten bankje.
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